2d world design

My primary focus of tutorial was based on 2d design because my game that I will be developing is a 2d space shooter. At first I just focused on the overall development instead of one specific area. This worked for some time but after some time I got all I was going to get out of that tutorial. The biggest thing that I wanted to learn how to do is but ing the background of the game but after that I shifted focus to the mechanics of the space shooter. This is because I am very bad at coding and figured that I could make the job easier if I knew exactly what code I needed to use. Apart from figuring out what and how things need to be done I also found the necessary tutorials that the people on my team will need and I have started making a list of tutorials that my team will use to build the game. I have already done some work on backgrounds but I am planning on making new ones and I hope to get the help of one other person who can work with photoshop. Next is the videos for the programers this will be one of the top focus of my game and I will have the most people working on this because there are so many moving parts. The coders will be assigned a certain aspect of the game one will handle the ship (player) as well as the shooting animations for both the player and enemies the next programer will work on the ships movement this programer will have free reign to create the enemy attack patters and formations and the last one will be the one that creates particle affects that will create the allusion of movement in space.


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