My Stretch Goal For April 2020

CC image #code by George Postoronca at Flickr
  • Role – Coder
  • SMART Goal – By April 30, while working independently I will have obtained certification from the  Solo Learn C++ online class to be able to better understand and utilize the C++ coding language for my April 2020 stretch goal.
  • Why – I want to achieve this goal because by completing it I will be better prepared for the career that I am pursuing as a software engineer since C++ is one of the most commonly used languages in that field.
  • How – I will achieve this goal by setting aside times throughout the week to work in solo Learn.
  • When – I want to work on my stretch goal at least 3 times a week but may do it more if I feel it is necessary
  • Resources – The resources that I will use to achieve my goal is my chrome book and my phone since both can use solo learn
  • Milestones – By April 23rd I want to be halfway through the functions module of the C++ tutorial and I intend to have my certificate by April 30th.
  • Heroines / Heroes – I admire Jeff Dean since he is the lead software engineer in the AI department of Google and that would be my dream job. More information can be found about him at the site listed below.
  • Documentation – I originally intended to be halfway done with my stretch goal by April 23rd. As of April 23rd, I am actually more than halfway through my goal since I was able to test out of the last parts of the first module for the C++ SoloLearn tutorial which placed me just slightly past the halfway point.

  • – I planned to be done with the C++ tutorial course by May 1st. As of May 1st, I have indeed completed the tutorial course as well as the challenges at the end of the course and due to that, I have also acquired my certificate showing that I successfully completed the course. Over the course of my stretch goal, I worked in SoloLearn at least once a day right before I went to sleep but also on occasion worked on it during the mid parts of the day in between working on assignments from other classes.


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