Session #6 Production Project



Lead Programmer

Intention (SMART Goal)

By March 18th as part of my production team, I will have completed a tutorial on Player health slider to be able to create a shell game meant to act as a game template for game design session six.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Primary source
Spiderman 2 the video game

Secondary Source

SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004) Game Designer Tries the PS4 Game for the First Time

My focus for this production cycle is that of the main programmer. Although my game will not feature the same type of mechanics featured in my sources I decided to look to Jamie Fristrom and his work on the Spider-Man two video game released on the PS2 and original Xbox consoles. What made this game stand out to me is the fact that this game is widely known as one that was very innovative and introduced new elements to the world of game design. The most widely renowned new element in the game was the web-swinging mechanics and that is where Jamie Fristrom comes in. Jamie Fristrom was the lead programmer that developed that mechanic. What stands out about Jamie’s work is the way that he decided to develop and implement the web-swinging mechanic. He figured that he couldn’t use the basic pendulum approach since it would be to difficult to control on a gamepad so he developed an AI that would make decisions on player movement based on the trajectory of the players in the game environment. Another item that stands out about the work done by Jamie is how the work that he put into the game went on to influence the feel of many more games if the future such as the spiderman ps4 game that was released last year.


Training Source(s)

making the health bar 

adding sprites to health bar

setting sprite size

adding health bar fill

rect transform

adding slider mechanic 

setting boarder anchor presets

adding health bar graphics 

setting color for fill

slider script

using correct UI name space


Project Timeline

  1. agree on project concept with team
  2. build basic GDD
  3. write short sentence descriptions of all code you will be writing
  4. read Zimmerman Unit 1: Section 6, p. 59
  5. establish the mode of interactivity for the game
  6. set up a collab for your team (not required if you are working alone)
  7. begin writing code for game core mechanics (be sure to XML tag and comment your code)
  8. test code for any errors that prevent the game from running
  9. if any errors do exist use the debug feature to determine where the problem is.
  10. Build a game to a computer
  11. Playtest the game
  12. Fix any unforeseen errors in the game
  13. Present in front of the advisory committee

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Grammar and Spelling


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